At the PSPCA, one of our most challenging (and largest) populations to place in foster care is large dogs! The majority of the dogs that we intake at the shelter are large dogs, over 40 lb. These guys are often overlooked, as small dogs are seen as more desirable and easy for people to handle. Unfortunately, this means that our large dogs often have longer lengths of stay, and need more support to help them find their forever homes. This is why we started our “Foster with the big dogs” initiative. It’s a call to action for foster parents to take a large dog into their home, either temporarily or until adoption. Fostering a dog not only helps create space in the shelter for us to help other dogs and provides a calm and relaxing respite for the dog, but it also helps adoption staff learn more about the dog so we can better pair them with a forever family. Contrary to common belief, big dogs don’t necessarily need a whole lot of space! Mental enrichment is just as important as the physical, if not more, and more often than not, the big pups waiting for homes in the shelter are big ol’ couch potatoes! We challenge you to take a chance and Foster With The Big Dogs.